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Passed the 70-652 exam!

Yes! Today I passed the Microsoft 70-652 TS: Windows Server Virtualization, Configuring exam. I took this exam because my firm is currently participating in the Microsoft Partner Readiness Program for Server Virtualization. I must say, it was quite easy exam! I got 47 questions and 90 minutes to complete the test. I expected more in depth configuration and technical questions about Hyper-V and Virtual Machines but the questions were more like: installing the Hyper-V server role, choosing right hardware for server virtualization and deploying, cloning, reverting and taking snapshots of Virtual Machines. There were also general questions about Windows Server 2008 and SCVMM 2008. As study material I used all the materials provided at the Microsoft Partner Program website, a virtual lab at home (2 Hyper-V servers and 1 SCVMM 2008 server), Understanding Microsoft Virtualization Solutions eBook from Mitch Tulloch and I am currently implementing a Hyper-V/SCVMM 2008 solution at a customer site. My next exam will be the Microsoft 70-403 TS: System Center Virtual Machine Manager 2008, Configuring  to complete the requirements for the Microsoft Server Virtualization Partner Program.


– Marek.Z

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