“Turn off what you do not need” is my motto 🙂 . So, if you are not using the VMFS-2 (which you probably aren’t using since ESX 3.x) and/or NFSClient in you environment than you can safely unload these modules from your ESX host. You can list currently loaded modules with #esxcfg-module –q and if you want to disable the modules mentioned above then:
- Login to you ESX host as root user
- First, unload the modules by typing:
- #esxcfg-module –u vmfs2
- #esxcfg-module –u nfsclient
- Next, disable the modules:
- #esxcfg-module –d vmfs2
- #esxcfg-module –d nfsclient
- Reboot your ESX host: #shutdown –r now
- After reboot, login and verify that the modules are not loaded by typing: #esxcfg-module –q |more
- Logoff your ESX host
If you want to load the disabled modules, simply use the esxcfg-module –e <module_name> command and reboot the host.